
Winery Trade

Sun Gold is a cost effective way to clean in and around your entire winery operation including production areas and tasting areas. Since Sun Gold is Non-toxic, USDA certified, tested and approved, you can use it any where.

General Use: Mix 1 pint of Sun Gold into 5 gallons of water, or 2 tablespoons into 1 quart of HOT water. Use these mixtures for the removal of stains on clothing, carpets, linens, and upholstery. These mixtures may also be used for wiping down counter tops, cash registers, and anything else that can use a damp cloth for cleaning.

Water spot prevention and removal: To prevent water spots from forming on your tasting glasses, use 2-4 tablespoons (depending on the size of the sink) of Sun Gold in the sanitizing sink, and then rinse with water. This is safe and non reactive.

Tartrate Removal: Mix 1 pint of Sun Gold into 5 gallons of VERY HOT water. Saturate surface with this solution and let stand 1-2 minutes. After soaking, use a 3M Scotch Bright pad and scrub the entire surface until clean. Hose down, and wipe dry.

You will find that Sun Gold is a safe and cost effective alternative to harsher chemicals such as Tartoff. It is non-toxic and biodegradable. There is no need for protective clothing, face shields, or gloves while using Sun Gold products.

Thank you for caring about our environment, and choosing the safety of Sun Gold in your establishment.